An Excuse for not Writing. 

If you are a writer of any sort and looking for excuses to placate yourself over not writing enough or not updating your blogs frequently enough, here are some which I use upon myself regularly. 

-> Some days it is simply writer’s block which could stretch on for an indefinite period of time. 

-> Some days the ‘writer’ is the ‘block’. 

-> Some days the will to write is interrupted constantly by the realisation of a lack of experience about the subject. 

-> Some days the environment isn’t just so good and conducive to produce good words on paper which convey meaning. 

-> Some days we writers just don’t wanna write.  That’s when we are busy experiencing so we can write about it later. 

-> Some days our creativity is just not activated enough to give the desired output, so we decide to lay off the typewriter. 

-> Some days , like all great literary geniuses, we undergo self- criticism and understand that our work isn’t good enough thereby tearing off or burning away whatever we write. 
Ok, enough excuses for not writing.  

If you liked my excuses and feel with them, do let me know. 

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